This book explores the role of the US Navy Hornet units in the northern Iraqi campaign. These units were the first Navy Reserve unit to be mobilized since the Korean War, and their attacks were launched from carriers off the coast of Turkey. The conflict for these squadrons was very different from the campaign fought in southern Iraq: they worked almost exclusively with clandestine Special Forces teams from the US Army, Marine Corps, Navy SEALs, British and Australian SAS and Kurdish guerrillas. First-hand accounts accompany the indispensable role these units had in the battle to liberate Iraq.
US Navy Hornet Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom (Part Two)
Osprey Combat Aircraft 58
Author: Tony Holmes
Illustrator: Chris Davey
November 2005
Страниц: 96 pages
ISBN: 9781841768854
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 48.2 mb