This book belongs to a cycle of publications devoted to camouflage and marking of German armored vehicles during the Second World War. It contains information on marking of Waffen-SS units. The book is illustrated with 32 colour pages presenting various paintings patterns, as well as with drawings and photographs of Waffen-SS combat vehicles (used by Waffen-SS and police units) in the years 1939-1945. "
It is a supplement to the first publication on this issue (Militaria No. 180), devoted to the period 1938-1942.
In the years 1943-1945 the Waffen-SS units experienced rapid and actually unimpeded development. The eight fighting divisions (armored/motorised "LSSAH", "Das Reich", "Totenkopf", "Viking", mountain division "Nord' and "Prinz Eugen", SS-Cavalry Division "Florian Geyer", and the SS-Police Division) were joined by several more divisions: e.g. the armored "Hohenstaufen", "Friindsberg" and "Hitlerjugend", the mountain "Handschar", "Kama " and "Karstjager ", panzer grenadier divisions, as well as grenadiers and Waffen-SS grenadiers (foreign units).
Название: Waffen SS Colours Vol. II
Автор: Janusz Ledwoch
Издательство: (Wydawnictwo Militaria
серия: Tank Power Volume LV
год издания: 2007
ISBN: 8372192847
Язык: polish/ English
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 68 Pages
Размер: 72.9 Mb