This 2003 edition contains 4,400 articles, 1,200 photos, and 252 maps and includes 8,940 new topics and 1,400 rewritten articles. These cross-listed and newly-illustrated entries of 100-8,000 words are aimed at college students and reach into the future with a 1500-word essay on "9/11." Volume nine, a wonderful addition, contains archival maps and primary documents (with introductions) such as the anonymous story (c. 1745) of the league of five nations (Cayugas, Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Senecas); an excerpt from Francis Grund's Americans in their Moral, Social, and Political Relations (1837); and Henry Ford's "Advice to the Unemployed in the Great Depression" (1932). Volume nine's other distinctive feature is a division of the Dictionary into chronological chunks that correlate entries, maps, and documents with relevant chapters in three Wadsworth textbooks: American Passages (2000), The American Past (2001); and Liberty, Equality, Power (2002). A six-page guide provides tips on historical research. The over 2000 contributors are from American academies. One caution: the dictionary does not contain biographical entries.
Название: Dictionary of American History, 3rd Edition
Издательство: Charles Scribner's Sons
Автор: колектив
Язык: английский
Год издания : 2003
Количество страниц: 5500
ISBN: 0684805332
Формат: pdf
Размер: 176 Мб