Aerei Italiani nella 2° Guerra Mondiale (Italian Aircraft of World War 2): Fiat CR.32, Breda Ba.65, Breda Ba.88, IMAM Ro.44, Fiat G.50, IMAM Ro.51, Macchi C.200, Fiat CR.42, Caproni-Vizzola F.5, Aeron. Umbra T.18, Reggiane Re.2000.
The highly regarded Italian language series 'Dimensione Cielo' initially focussed on Italian aircraft of World War 2. Each title grouped a number of aircraft types according to their main role: fighters, bombers etc. The contents was in a similar style to the British 'Profile' series with data tables, b+w photographs and colour artwork.
Название: Dimensione Cielo 1 Caccia Assalto 1
Автор: Emilio Brotzu, Giancarlo Garello, Gherardo Cosolo
Издательство: Edizioni Bizzarri
Год издания: 1973
Страниц: 82 pages
Язык: итальянский
Формат: PDF в RAR
Размер: 59.4 МБ