North of the lands of the Empire lies a land of dark pineforests and snow clad wilderness - the land of Kislev, ruled by mighty Tzars and Tzarinas. The icy realm of Kislev
breeds tough and hardy people, not only because of the harsh climate, but also due to the constant depredations by raiders from the Chaos wastes. For a thousand years this kingdom has endured despite the attacks of the savage Norse raiders and the ever-present threat of Chaos. But to the Kislevites, this matters not: the North is there home, and if they cannot live here, they will die here....
Название: Warhammer armies - Kislev 9th edition
Compiled, Edited & Partly Written Mathias Eliasson
Cover Art: Adrian Smith
Warhammer Fantasy ArmyBook
Издательство: Games Workshop
Армии молота войны
Год издания: 2010
Язык: english
Формат: pdf true
Страниц: 105 pages
размер файла: 18.6 mb