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The Battle of Britain: Luftwaffe Blitz (Images of War)

Автор: alexsb16 от 8 ноября 2021, посмотрело: 1329

The Battle of Britain: Luftwaffe Blitz (Images of War)

This new collection of archive imagery from Philip Kaplan offers a gripping, graphic view of the routine repeated each day and night, from the summer of 1940 through to the following spring, by the German bomber crews bringing their deadly cargoes to Britain. Through mainly German archival photos, it profiles airmen on their French bases and in the skies over England; the aircraft they flew, fought and sometimes died in; their leaders; their targets and results; the R.A.F pilots and aircraft that stood in opposition to the German forces, and the losses experienced on both sides. The images, from the Bundesarchiv and other German and British photographic sources, vividly convey a real sense of events as they played out, as do the compelling first-hand accounts from a host of participants on both sides, eyewitnesses to one of the most brutal sustained bombardments of the Second World War.

Название: The Battle of Britain: Luftwaffe Blitz (Images of War) rare photographs from wartime archives
Автор: Philip Kaplan
Издательство: ‎ Pen and Sword Aviation
Год издания: 2013
Серия: Images of War
ISBN: 178159368X
Страниц: 245 pages
Язык: english
Формат: pdf в rar
Размер: 27,5 Мб

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Категория: Страницы истории

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