During 1941 the Germans occupied first Greece and the former Yuogslavia, then enormous areas of European Russia. Once the front line troops had moved on the struggle continued as bands of resistance fighters waged war against the occupation forces until their final withdrawal. The term 'partisan' is associated with Communist-led bands and they were often the most fanatical defenders of the Soviet realm. However, there were also non-Communist resistance groups which were nationalist and broadly constitutionalist and as a result a complicated three-way war developed. This book details the guerrilla war which was waged in the various regions and the uniforms and equipment of the combatants.
Название: Partisan Warfare 1941–45
Author: Nigel Thomas, Peter Abbott
Illustrator: Mike Chappell
Издательство: Osprey Publishing
Год издания: 26 Mar 1983
Серия: Men-at-Arms
ISBN: 9780850455137
Страниц: 48 pages
Язык: english
Формат: pdf в rar
Размер: 22.3 Мб