As remarked, at somewhat greater length, in the introduction to the companion title, Napoleonic Weapons and Warfare: Cavalry, in order to comprehend the events of the Napoleonic Wars, and to appreciate the skills of the commanders, it is necessary to understand the most basic aspects of the warfare of that age: the capabilities of the weaponry, the manner in which troops fought, and how the two impacted upon each other.
ОРУЖИЕ И ТАКТИКА НАПОЛЕОНОВСКИХ ВОЙН рассмотрено вооружение и тактика войск времен Наполеона.
Название: Napoleonic Weapons and Warfare - Napoleonic Infantry
Автор: Philip J. Haythornthwaite (Author)
Издательство: Cassell & CO
Год издания: May 28, 2002
ISBN-10: 0304355097
Страниц: 128 pages
Язык: english
Формат: pdf в rar
Размер: 36.2 Мб